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Palin: "I am Shakespeare!"

The airhead is now comparing herself to Shakespeare.

In an attempt to rally her bases of no-nothings and fear mongers, Palin sent out a series of Tweets, which energized an entire group of people she did not intent to energize.

First, I live in New York City (Brooklyn to be exact).  I used to work at the World Financial Center – just across the street from the World Trade Center.   Every morning and afternoon, I was forced to see the wreckage of 9/11.   In fact, there was a time when my office directly faced the rubble, so I was forced to watch it for entire work days.   The tragedy of 9/11 has not left any of us – both here in New York City or around the country.

But the one thing that anger me most is when I see a low-life and political hack like Palin use America’s suffering as a political basketball.  She sees this as an opportunity to prove to her legion of no-nothings, racist, and fear-mongers just how much she is like them.    Moreover, she also proves how little she knows of New York City, it’s people, and our sense of deep gratitude for living in the most diverse city in the world.

I don’t know any New Yorker who has any problem with the mosque going up.  In fact, virtually every political leader, including the Mayor, community organizations, 9/11 family, and local community boards have overwhelmingly approved the building of the mosque.   We as a City want this.

It’s tells all of those who have no understanding of what America is that America is a nation that values people regardless of race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation.   More importantly, it tells the world that no man, woman, or event (as horrific or as idiotic as they may be) can change who we are.

Sarah Palin, you’re a moron.  You don’t New York City.  You don’t even know America.  You know how to exploit it.  You know how to get your five minute plug on Fox Propaganda and sell books and speeches.

In her first Tweet, Palin says:

“Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn’t it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate”

First, “refudiate” is not a word.  Spell check software is free.  Use it – you Moron!  Second, no one’s heart has been stabbed.   The mosque will be a great addition to lower Manhattan.  Third, using the words “Peaceful Muslims” is incendiary in itself.  It’s like me saying peaceful morons.   But Palin wouldn’t understand that.  Islam is peaceful; individuals like you are not.

Her second Tweet says the following:

“Peaceful New Yorkers, pls refute the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Towers site is too raw, too real.”

What Sarah? Do you think that violent New Yorkers are going to stand and burn down the building if it gets built.   Moron, the repudiation or support of the mosque has nothing to do with being peaceful or not.  Just look at yourself, you’re a hate filled demagogue who encourages violence and you’re opposed to the mosque.  You disprove you’re own case.  By the way, it’s REPUDIATE!

Seriously, spell check softwares are free.

Her third Tweets says the following:

“Peace-seeking Muslims pls understand. Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing”

First, we are all peace seeking New Yorkers.  I don’t know of a single Muslim in New York City who is seeking violence and aggression.  And I know a lot of Muslims.   Second, this Tweet is a poorly disguised threat.  In essence, Palin is saying “don’t build that mosque or else it’s your fault when we come down on you with pitch forks and torches.”   The only person it seems who is seeking violence is Palin herself.

By the way, when you see the plans for the mosque, it is very clear that it’s designed to heal us (both Muslims and non-Muslims) from the hate and misunderstanding that led to 9/11.  But Palin is still in the hate, misunderstanding, and demagoguery business.

The final and my favorite Tweet:

“‘Refudiate,’ ‘misunderestimate,’ ‘wee-wee’d up.’ English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!”

First, you’re not Shakespeare.  You’re a moron from Wasilla.  Second, Shakespeare coined new words not misspell or misuse existing ones, and the irony is that when he was writing he didn’t have spell check software.  That means you’re stupid and lazy.   Yes, English is a living language; however, it’s evolving – NOT devolving.

All of Palin Tweets suggest something very insidious: she is suggesting that Muslims are not Americans or American enough to fully participate in our great democracy and society.  Her Tweets suggest that Muslim need her permission or the permission of people like her to live their lives.   They do not.  Freedom of religion is founding tenet of our country, and American Muslims has a full right to exercise that tenet.  American Muslims have the right to be full participants of America because they are a part of what defines us a nation.

By all account Sarah Palin is trying to dumb down America or she thinks that we’re all as dumb as she is.  Either way, it’s fun to point at her stupidity and laugh.

So go ahead laugh like a Bond villain.

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